Not all abilities of this character includes Iframes and one of the abilities that this character has does not seem to be sufficiently useful.Has one of the lowest damage with all abilities combined compared to other mythicals.Not very good for wiping crowds of mobs.Has one of the lowest clicking damages of all the mythicals.(surprisingly does less than the first ability, third ability, or the fourth ability alone. Second ability (Barrage) has the lowest ability damage of all the mythicals and is also one of the lowest in-game.One of the best units in the game when it comes to damage.

Decent cooldowns on the abilities and low cooldown on the third ability which is vital for the damage of this character.This character has an ability that includes execution (Instant killing of an enemy when they reach a certain HP amount).One of the best mythicals when it comes to assisting/supporting because of the healing ability.(There's a chance that the boss you're fighting can be low enough to be executed by the third ability (LIfe Giving Shot) Can be used as a boss-killing machine when using the fourth ability (Return to Zero) and then using the third ability (Life Giving Shot) two times after using the fourth ability.Here is a list of what units you need to evolve Gio Gio into Giorno Giovanna GER (Dreamer): (1257.12 x 6 ticks /w Return to Zero) Damage is halved when shot to the ground for AOE tree damage. Also executes any enemy under 30% hp (When used with Return to Zero, total ticks = 6) For example if you shoot the beam near enemies the debree will turn into man-eating scorpions. Depending on where you shoot, the effect is different. Create a tree out of the ground and heal nearby allies.